Tag Archives: trophy

A Trophy is to a Champion As A Queen is To A King: A Trophy represents A Victory- A Queen ensures survival. Which are You?

The classic movie “Coming To America” has a scene where Prince Akeem is about to marry by way of a prearranged wedding.  As a man wanting to learn a little more about the mind of his potential wife. He stops the wedding for a moment and invites her to private quarters to have a conversation. During this conversation Prince Akeem begins to ask her questions such as what do you like to do. Her response SIMPLE “whatever you like”… He continues to ask her a few basic questions and her response remains” whatever you like”.  The conversation goes on until Akeem decides that this beautiful woman is way too easy and then begins to have fun.  Akeem asks her to bark like a dog and she barks like a dog then he requests that she hops on one foot then she hops on one foot, at this moment he just starts laughing. Akeem realizes that although this woman is beautiful and willing to do as he wishes that he will need much more as he progresses to a King.  Understanding the importance that he needs a Queen beside his thrown he starts his quest to find more than beauty “The Trophy” in this case in the end Akeem marries a Queen that is not only beautiful, intelligent, seemingly humble she loves his character  the rest was extra.

The Allure twist NOT YOUR MOTHERS CONVERSATION:  Mothers often concentrate many days buying cloths, styling hair making sure their little lady is perfect.  Reminding  them to cross their  legs when sitting, watch the deflection of your voice and like the weekend says” make them remember you”

A few distinct differences to determine if you are a Trophy to a champion as what a Queen is to a King are…..

The Trophy:

As a Trophy you have access to all the frills and thrills that will continue to make you visually appealing, and most of your conversation will be with your girlfriends. Your girlfriends are the ones who you will vent to while you create all the cocktail dates, shopping outings, coffee chats, spa getaways  and  they will know more about who you are than your champion.  Your champion could be out setting the score to win again, however will you still be the prize trophy after the next win?

The distance between a Trophy and the champion is great a trophy sits on the shelf although connected through beauty, ego, pride and boastfulness. The Trophy is flawlessly beautiful when need to be shown to detail of the victory once achieved , however the Trophy always finds its way back on the shelf until required to make an appearance again when needed to show a champions accomplishments.

The Queen:

As a Queen you have access to all the frills, thrills, credit cards, shopping sprees and the most important details his thoughts!  A Queen not only is beautiful she has the ability to cultivate her surroundings and guide her King through their journey together. As they walk together she has the full understanding of what his and her needs are together and how to preserve success.

The distance between a Queen and King is nonexistent she sits next to him and her value and opinion is not shelved. Not only is she beautiful but she encompasses the qualities of a lady that are rare in an era where you are not measured past what’s in the rear view when you pass by.

she is so for real she has the remedy for your body mind and spirit she will have you rushing right home to cure what ever is  and you won’t be able to get enough!

Men we understand that it’s always easier to choose what is visually appealing vs. beauty and brains. Don’t worry we will call you on your shii, however it will only polish and perfect your character. Some of us like feeling that every time we are complemented by other men in a room with you it  is sometimes because the relationship is well respected and acknowledged by others that WE perfected it TOGETHER!…….